haikus need a blog / so i am creating one / with blogger dot com

Monday, June 30, 2003

Chocolate covered

cause of a caffeine seizure;

the expresso bean

Familiar Water Ring

there's comfort contained

in the burning sedation

of the cool liquid

slight, frail, and stoic.

her arms crossed; boney fingers

grip arms in comfort.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Haikus by guest artist.
bill schwader.

Warning Explicit Content.

Rocking the Suburbs

the speakers where loud

his rock radio was on

wind blowing his hair

Dark nights suck

you totally suck

he yelled into the dark night

he slammed the door

Civil Disobedience

I will start a blog

she screams, "YOU WILL NOT START A BLOG"

I will start a blog

Hungry Man

Hungry Man in Stove

She's nowhere in the house.

where's my dinner bitch.

Missed the Mark

Piss in the toilet

I missed the toilet again

Yellow stain on the floor


I'm wearing my thong

I stand in the rooms' doorway

Take me now she says

Nursery Rhyme Haiku

an itsy spider

he went up the water spout

and he died climbing.


little miss muffet

sat on her big ass tuffet

eating curds and whey


Friday, June 20, 2003

fajita's for lunch

and a margarita too,

please don't tell my boss

move pointer. move. damn!

the mouse's pointer stops short

i need a new mouse

light clings to freedom

the turbulent clouds gather

suffocating day

my license plate sucks.

it flew off my car today

sorry tailgaiter.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

And now the world premiere of the site that
will be come known as the

web site with haikus ...

a lot of cool haikus and ...

cool stuff and ... haikus

A night at coors field

bring umbrellas too

when you come to watch baseball

i like to keep dry

Man's Inhumanity to woman

paypal hates amy

not the normal kind of hate

but the nazi kind

Stormy Romance

our love remains charged

with an electrical pulse

between our four lips

Bright Days

what is more sunny

my days with or without you

the answer is with

my favorite thing...

you, my favorite

wrapped up in beautiful string

but not brown paper