haikus need a blog / so i am creating one / with blogger dot com

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Compassionate Capitalists

I am not a "Red"

Call me a Keynesian

it should "Trickle Down"

Competition fuels

fires of innovation;

engines of progress

It encourages

hard work and strong discipline;

for the common good

but what of the "haves"

it's not a crime in itself

let God give you wealth

what of the "have-nots"

their wage is inadequate

to feed their children

God gives and he takes

"Haves" are not the "owners"

just distributers.

Do not rob our God.

Give your tithes and offerings

let it "Trickle Down"

Holy Market Place

Tell me, what married

Capitalists to Jesus;

Others to Satan

What biblical law

says that businesses should grow

whatever the cost

And when did Jesus

become a commodoty

sold on the market

Old Testament Capitalism

Egypt was built on

the backs of the Hebrews

cheap labor is key

Friday, September 19, 2003

Blog Wars

nothing is sacred

see i'm not that creative

when it comes to posts

so for lack of it,

creativity that is

I resort to this

declaring blog wars

this should get interesting

haikus only please

What Would my Friends Say

Hey, "clue-in, buddy"

Replied the sad bitter man

To a funny blog


part competition

makes things more interesting

love and peace get old


stranger who refrains

from the competition here

should refrain from posts


What Would Michael Savage Say

this world is full of

red diapered doper babies

fear revolution

Friday, September 12, 2003

I can't compete

Crazy Mofos: Haiku Reviews


i love tournaments

where they give last place trophies

cause i suck at golf

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Indirectly Spoken For

i know this redhead

who thinks she has privacy

in her farming town

that's unfortunate

non californian's talk

about her new man

well not really yet

they haven't gone out again

on the first big date

i'll say no more... she's

indirectly spoken for

and i've been blatant

Monday, September 08, 2003

Amusement Park

they walk close, in step

hands brush accidentally

two secret smiles

lips move in laughter

eyes meet accidentally

secret hearts pounding

sitting side-by-side

hand rests accidentally

muscles tense inside

arms swinging in step

entwined accidentally

the secret is out

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Asteroid Heading for Earth

we're going to die

i'm sorry that's just the facts

the news told me so.

despite little chance

the truth must be reported

and i do my part


nah, the masses need to fear

it sells more copies...

i'll be in the line

for the Y - 2 - k fourteen

media mudslide

they'll construct bunkers

and store up water and food

and lose all their hope

and we'll do our part

and paint armageddon signs

and line our pockets

We're all going to die