haikus need a blog / so i am creating one / with blogger dot com

Monday, November 29, 2004

Thanksgiving Weekend

It snowed this weekend.
There’s lots to be thankful for.
Like anti-lock brakes.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Mortal Idolatry

The Skeptic Says:

Take pride in your doubt
To debunk is to progress;
the way enlightened.

What is there but "I"
What intellect I possess!
My perception, "Is"

We don't know His Mind.
We cannot fathom its depths
So Kill the Buddha

Faith Says:

Original Sin
Sprung from your Skeptisicm
A shadow of death

Your pride is unearned
You idolize intellect
You create your god.

You shape the divine
From dust, water, and sinew;
and of muddy thoughts

Whence we were fashioned
We return. What? Mortal "gods!"
Utter foolishness.

His Word lit the Way.
His Love stripped bare; hung naked
His stripes bore our hate.

Despise Him no more
with mortal idolotry.
Believe in Him; Live!

Friday, November 19, 2004


Alack, genius
It is a burden I shroud
A token of love.

If she truly knew
Understood my great prowess
She’d suffer despair.

So, out of true love
I shelter her dear conscience
And act like an ass.